When your son or daughter leaves the nest for college, things can get pretty emotional.
After the initial separation period, many parents can’t wait to pick up their kids from school and bring them home for the holidays. They reminisce about all the fun and family time they’ll share together and in their minds they think everything will be like the good ol’ days. Unfortunately, as one dad points out, quality time with your college student isn’t exactly like it used to be.
In his hilarious Facebook video, Dan Howard passive-aggressively recaps the first five days of having his daughter home from college. He basically jokes that he can’t get rid of his kiddo fast enough.
I don’t remember giving my parents this much grief when I came home from school.
Read More: Mom Goes On Rant About The Damaging Effects Of Over-Rewarding Children
If you love to spend time with your own kids on holiday break but secretly can’t wait to see them go after a while, SHARE this story with all the disgruntled parents you know!
VIA : http://www.viralnova.com