Knowing how to spell is really important. I mean, nothing looks quite as dumb as a horrible spelling mistake. Spelling errors lead to bad grades, discarded resumes, and overall embarrassment.
On the road to becoming excellent spellers, however, children make many, many mistakes. Their errors are usually pretty easy to fix, but these? Not so much.
1. I feel like Kurt really won’t appreciate this.
2. Your teacher wants pennies, little one. Pennies.
3. Oh, you’ve already been caught.
4. The new product from Apple: the iSex.
5. Timmy, let’s not use that word, okay?
7. There’s just so much going on here…
8. I wonder what this lady’s real name is.
9. She’s not big on the whole “Christmas spirit” thing.
10. This is so upsetting.
11. A nice trip to Vagina…
12. That sounds like a problem.
13. I mean, she’s not wrong.
14. A surprise, indeed.
15. My favorite president.
16. Absolutely not.
17. That’s not very nice!
18. Don’t eat any of Buzz Lightyear’s pies.
19. Making some eggs.
20. It’s great for fertilizing flowers.
(via BuzzFeed / Stuff Kids Write)
I just hope that these kids learned the error of their ways. They really shouldn’t be going out into the world like this. They’re a bunch of animals!